
Rehersal Dinner

So about nine months ago I created my sister's wedding invitations for her. Now I'm doing the rehersal dinner invites, and this is what I came up with today. These are all rough ROUGH drafts that I did literally this afternoon.

Comments welcome.

This was my first attempt:
I think the idea would work if it were inset on the paper. As just lines, it's a little plain.

Reverse City
Here I think it's starting to have something. I also think reserving the art worked better.

Dual Cities
So my sis is from NYC, and all the guests at the rehersal dinner are coming from out of state, prol NYC, so here I tried to incorporate the 'two cities' theme.

Centered Dual Cities
And another go at it. This one is growing on me. Don't really like the centered text though.

And now for invites without cities:

Both of these invites are meant to have some squarish artwork as the main art on the page. What is seen in the photos I put together really fast, and would change for the final version.



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