Project Runway: Tim Gunn makes the worst decisions at 3 am....
So did anyone else almost miss the Tim Gunn audio clip last night? I was like...wait a second, did Tim Gunn just admit to hooking up in the early hours with 'some of the worst mistakes' of his life? Too hysterical. I loved how the editing also missed it too, the bit went on for a good 30 seconds, as if the editors themselves couldn't believe what Tim had just said. That man is wonderful. He's so classy...even as he admits to one night stands.
He must have known I've been planning a 'TIM GUN: MIA' post today, because last night's episode not only saw his much needed return to the PR spotlight, but also his blog, Tim's Take, is back. This was my favorite extra for the show...because he usually spends more time discussing the designs and actually has some interesting things to say. So far this season he's been gone...and I'm sorry--Santino just won't do it for me. Here's hoping his Podcast comes back too....I'm just saying...
Last night excluded, I'm still disappointed in this season, and I think how the show is using Tim has a lot to do with it. I've always thought the show was genius for two reasons:
1. Singling out the best with the worst designs during judging at the same time.
2. Tim's role as mentor and not as a judge.It's this second one that works the best. He's like the den mother, comforting all the designers through the ordeal and acting as a voice of reason to their inflated egos. He will tell you if what you have is crap, and yet before last night I really didn't see much 'tough love' from Gunn this season. It's felt more like he's making cameos as opposed to being a member of the team. A lot of times he just appears, as if flown in for a scene, and then vanishes just as quickly. The designers, more than ever, are ignoring his advice and turning him into more of a figurehead than a mentor. It's become 'Oh, here's Tim Gunn...nod, nod, do something completely opposite, make fun of him and Andrea after he leaves.'
I realize Tim's stretching himself pretty thin. Between his flop of a Bravo show (we don't want to see you be mean, Tim! You lose your lovibility) and working for Liz Claiborne, I'm sure this is more of a PR stunt for him by now. I understand he has to move on, but with him leaves the best parts of the show. Halfway through last night's episode I realized Season three was probably the pinnacle of PR: it'll be downhill from here.
Second sign of decline: There's really nothing I want to say about the clothing last night. It was definitely more about the drama of Jack leaving than the competition. Why bring back Chris when Jack's half-made outfit prol could have walked as is and still beat out the funeral-wedding dress. Finally, I don't understand the judge's love affair with Christian when Kevin rocked it so much harder:
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