Cover Wars!
I love a good controversy, especially over creativity. The New Republic and Time have apparently been going at it over who ripped off who in their recent covers.
A few weeks ago TNR started wining when TIME released a split cover shot, similar to their previous candidate-merge cover:Verdict: I'm siding with TNR on this one. Their cover is better executed, and while TIME tried to hide its steal behind sepia tone, the matching cover lines doesn't help them much.
Then there was this week's TNR cover, of Obama as a paint-by-numbers image. TIME immediately pointed out they did a paint by numbers cover first with Howard Dean back in 2004. Without getting into the conspiracy theories that TNR copied TIME on purpose to get back at them for the Hilbama cover (I have this nice image in my head of a TNR budget meeting with incensed art directors shouting out 'what if we did it to THEM!') look at the evidence:
That's right. TNR did their paint-by-numbers cover before the Dean cover broke of Laura Bush.
Verdict: PR mischief. Look at the dates. First cover is in 2001, then in 2004, then in 2008. There's a gap of time between the first two and the 'paint-by-numbers' idea actually fit Howard Dean in that I'm giving Time a break. The TIME cover is available online and farely recognizable, so while I won't say TNR stole their idea, I'm not sure how it fits with the Obama campaign. Maybe I will get into conspiracy theories....
Apparently they are all copy-cats: Esquire did it first. In 1967. UnBeige had the scoop