Olympic Commericals: United
Every 'big event' one company usually stands out as having the most interesting, or at least intriguing commericals. For the olympics, the United Airlines videos have caught my eye the most:
I was really impressed with the sequence of these. They start with your typical, traditional United video, i.e. the Raphsody in Blue music played to a fun, light cartoon of sea animals. It introduced fun illustration and imagination to the traditional soundtrack.
The next two videos, of the man on the street and woman in the air, takes more variation on the soundtrack but keeps a more traditional narrative. Finally, the last video drifts the furtherest from the iconic music as well as in its illustration concept. It's more about the colors and lights, with no real plot, just beauty.
Why I like these videos is even though the four have their own individual task, they flow together nicely. They came out gradually over the course of the last two weeks, and I believe that the first few help the viewer become 'ready' for the more abstract videos toward the end. Also, it's just gorgeous illustration