ACL Wrap-up: Sunday
Wow. Great end to the festival. No rain at all on Sunday, but the beautiful grass Austin spent millions of dollars developing was completely ruined. The mud made things a little gross, but didn't get in the way of us having a good time.
We stopped off briefly for B52, but made our way to Heartless Bastards pretty quickly. I love the lead singer's voice---she's got this throaty drawl that just captivates you. Live they were pretty good, but we left after about 40 minutes to wander.

The two big shows for us on Sunday were Passion Pit and Girl Talk. Both were at the 360 stage, so eventually we made our way down there to get decent spots for dancing. Passion Pit was pretty great, but the heat and humidity was getting to the lead singer and they left early. The DJ opener welcomes us to 'Passion's muddy Pit' and that was pretty appropriate. My feed look like crazy monsters afterwards, mostly due to the two hours we spent in this section.
I was addictively playing some iPhone game for an hour until Girl Talk came on. The good news was that everyone else was short. The bad news was it was because we were surrounded by high schoolers, which would suck later as crowd surfers would find our area and then crush them--leading to Teresa's great muddy hat of 09. Right as Girl Talk started, we all swarmed forward and the dancing made the entire pit turn into a 95 degree sauna. Sweat. Sweat. Dancing. JOURNEY! sweat. This was the second Girl Talk experience--and my first inside the swarm near stage--but he was worth seeing twice. It's fun to just abandon all and dance your heart out. Best part was how he would get everyone to wave downward, creating a fan of air to cool down the crowd---I was grateful, the pockets of air that would sweep in at random saved me from passing out.

Our spot at 360 made it hard to get over to Pearl Jam, but we managed to wade our way through the mud enough to hear Even Flow. I don't like being in the back of the crowd though, everyone was talking and made it harder to hear and see what was going on miles away from us. We cut out early, and could actually hear the band better as we walked home.
Concert done.