Holy Photoshop Batman!
Seriously, this is getting out of hand. Not since Faith Hill has a celebrity been airbrushed almost entirely out of existence! I'm just guessing here, but I would say her eye color is the only real thing about that face. How does Drew Barrymore okay this? She is practically a Barbie doll, in fact here's the proof of her slide into Plastictown.
And the sad thing is, she looks GORGEOUS in that first photo! But you know what, the more and more I look at this, the more I feel like it's not so much a Drew problem as it is an Anna problem. I feel that over the past year or two, Vogue is trying to alter the celebrities on purpose--molding their faces to create a more generic, Vogue-ish look. Because while it doesn't look like Drew, it certainly looks like Vogue.
Jezabel has the cover lies.