Project Runway: Rami's Collection
Oh Rami. I love you. The way you stubbornly stuck to your draping is reminiscent of Uli and her prints, Laura and her plunging necklines, or Austin Scarlet and his gowns. I would venture to say that the biggest challenge of Project Runway is to stick with your design style EVEN when the judges are tired of it. So what if it's not in style right now? This is what you're best at and you have to work it as long as you got it if you want to make it in the boutique fashion world. I was very happy when I saw your collection, you managed to create a cohesive look that most definitely said RAMI.
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I LOVE that first dress. Enlarged, you can see the leaf pattern around the stomach and neckline--I love that detail. It looks like a really nice pattern, although I do wish I could see it from another angle. No. 2 is a very nice office look of the first color, but the transition to No. 3 is my biggest problem with your collection. I wish I saw that blue again, because I LOVE blues, but you probably did the right thing putting those first. And it's not necessarily a problem with your color pallets--because I think the blue, red (4-7) and green (8-9) all complement each other nicely.
Other Designers: take note. This is how you incorporate MANY colors into one collection. Nice, isn't it?

Each of your looks has a different executed style. Unlike Christian, who seems to only be able to do skinny jeans and poofy jackets, you have taken your beloved draping and showed the versatility of the style that you couldn't necessarily do during the challenges. The draping of No.4's shirt is really nice, while No. 5 is reminiscent of the 80's shoulder pads (ugg...but that fuggly Working Girl look is in style now, so i can't really fault you). No. 6's skirt has some complicated pleats, while your more classic draping is seen in No. 7.
Again, I think it shows your skill that you can differentiate between so many looks, and yet still maintain a strong cohesive collection. Moving on, I am not so much a fan of 8 and 9, I don't like that color, and think those are less innovative, more stereotypical 'Rami' looks:


But will it matter? As of now, we don't know if you've even made the show, which is a shame, because I think this collection was the best out of the five. I think your looks can definitely beat out Chris's velvet, but I'm not sure you have the -JAZZ HANDS- 'Christian Fierceness.' Know that I'll be pulling for you....