Your reasoning is flawed...
Gawker has a rant today about why bloggers should stop writing for free. While they aren't necessarily talking to me--with my six subscribers and my lack of interest in making money from this venture--they forget that at the heart of blogging to begin with was people expressing their personal thoughts. I'm talking LiveJournal, angsty emo-type postings from early 2000.
Posted by
11:33 AM
Labels: Completely Off Topic
Covers I like this week
While I'm still trying to track down my copy of Italian Vogue, I thought I would pass along this jem:

Posted by
8:14 AM
Labels: Covers, Typography
So you may wonder why I haven't been blogging on topic lately...and the answer of course is I've been staring at this for the past month:
Now, let's just say I've been trained to hate this magazine. A month ago I could list about ten reasons why the magazine was the devil incarnate's half-brother (Rachel Ray still holds the top spot) but after this issue I have nothing else to say. This, better than any other issue EVER CREATED for ANY food magazine, better exemplifies what a food magazine is suppose to do: get you to eat what is on the page. I swear, I want to bite into the paper, these shots are so amazing.
Look at this photography. While Bon App is best known for a style I like to refer to as 'Glamorously Disgusting' close-ups, this issue really pulled itself together giving me nothing but beautiful shot after beautiful shot—ever one of them making me crave whatever I was looking at:

DCite: Proud to be a Starbuck Patron

Posted by
12:19 PM
Labels: Completely Off Topic
Top Five Mad Men moments from Season 1...
...okay I lied, I am doing a post on Mad Men. I can't help it, I love this show—I cry thinking about the pain it's going to put me through every Sunday after I watch another perfect episode and know I have to wait A WEEK for another look into this world I would have loved to be apart of.
Posted by
9:02 AM
Labels: Completely Off Topic, Mad Men
Project Runway is baaack!
...and I can't find my camera USB cable so my critique will have to wait awhile longer. Needless to say I already have my favorites. :)
Posted by
9:42 PM
Deziginer's Best Places to Live
So CNN released their Best Places to Live in 2008 and as it it a slow Friday, I thought I'd compare all of my former residences and see if all this moving around was really a good thing or not...For anyone who cares, Plymouth, MN is the BEST CITY, just so I know what I'm missing out on.

Posted by
11:08 AM
Labels: Completely Off Topic, Personal Update
Cool Typography

Posted by
12:03 PM
Labels: Typography
Words of Wisdom: Logos AGAIN
Here's a thought. When you have the most recognizable logo IN THE WORLD:
Why would you change your logo and risk customers confusing you with an energy company, or worse one of those 'not-really-a-web-site sites':
I honestly thought I had typed in the wrong address. Twice. I still don't believe that's Wal-Mart.
Posted by
7:56 AM
Labels: Logos, Words of Wisdom
Words of Wisdom: Political Satire
Maybe it's because it's early on Monday morning and I haven't had my coffee yet, but I don't see any even slight humor in this cover:
Words of Wisdom (as if this needed to be said?) Don't draw something like this during an ELECTION YEAR unless you want to royally piss off your already liberally minded readership. Sure, I understand you're doing satire—but while there is still a contest going on—while people still have to make the decision, drawings like this will only go over the wrong way.
Here's the real question: jump forward a year and Obama is already in the White House: would this photo still be offensive?
Found it on Politico via MediaBistro
Posted by
8:11 AM
Labels: Covers, Magazines, Words of Wisdom
Photoshopping just got Political...
We laugh at the dumb idiots who get caught Photoshopping, but what happens when it's a country and the subject matter could very well lead us to another stupid war:
Covers I Like This Week

Posted by
8:25 AM
Labels: Covers, Project Runway
Can I buy this T-Shirt now?
[Available at my oh-so-favorite website, Angry Journalist]
With the news that reporters, copyeditors, and designers are now telecommuting from India I feel it's time to take a stand. For the last few months I've teased about wearing the above shirt to the just-opened Newseum and see what kind of response I get. Probably a lecture from some old guy.
Posted by
7:43 AM
Labels: Journalism news
Reasons I Can't Hate New York: New York Times Magazine
So I'm in LOVE with Mad Men. Just got the DVD from my sister who has connections—she totally scored me the limited edition--looks like a zippo--set and I've gone through most of the episodes once already and can only patiently wait to watch them all AGAIN, but this time with commentary. ANYWAY. That's a post I prol won't do just because I'm just a geek for the show it would be too hard to stop sounding like a blubbering fan long enough to write anything critical about it.