
Reasons I Can't Hate New York: New York Times Magazine

So I'm in LOVE with Mad Men. Just got the DVD from my sister who has connections—she totally scored me the limited edition--looks like a zippo--set and I've gone through most of the episodes once already and can only patiently wait to watch them all AGAIN, but this time with commentary. ANYWAY. That's a post I prol won't do just because I'm just a geek for the show it would be too hard to stop sounding like a blubbering fan long enough to write anything critical about it. 

This post, on the other hand, is about the New York Times.  Specifically their magazine—more specifically their covers. Check out a few from the past few weeks:

I swear, it almost makes me want to subscribe. Or even read. (I know!) The illustrations feel very retro, the spacing is genius, the colors are really embracing the summer, and the typography is just amazing. It's really not fair that the best design is out of a newspaper shop—shouldn't they be bad at this?