So you may wonder why I haven't been blogging on topic lately...and the answer of course is I've been staring at this for the past month:
Now, let's just say I've been trained to hate this magazine. A month ago I could list about ten reasons why the magazine was the devil incarnate's half-brother (Rachel Ray still holds the top spot) but after this issue I have nothing else to say. This, better than any other issue EVER CREATED for ANY food magazine, better exemplifies what a food magazine is suppose to do: get you to eat what is on the page. I swear, I want to bite into the paper, these shots are so amazing.
Look at this photography. While Bon App is best known for a style I like to refer to as 'Glamorously Disgusting' close-ups, this issue really pulled itself together giving me nothing but beautiful shot after beautiful shot—ever one of them making me crave whatever I was looking at: