
DC is befuddling...

Sorry I haven't written--I started a new job and was generally freaking out about not having housing, etc. Still don't--but I just would like to start making a list of things about DC and Northern Virginia that are just befuddling to me:

1. How can I pass Lee Highway exits THREE times while staying on the same road? What kind of highway twists and turns like a snake around HW 66?!

2. How can a city with a billion cars not have a better highway system? I suppose they were just WAY ahead of their time--punishing gas guzzling drivers for not using the metro before it was even cool. 

more to come later I'm sure


Five things to do now that I have a Job

1. Update the Blog more. Unfortunately my 'busy applying for five jobs a day' excuse can no longer justify my not posting something at least twice a week...at least until I start work and can use the 'too busy impressing new coworkers to goof off online' excuse.

2. Finally shut down my least favorite bookmark tab, or at least reduce those links to a number that is a little less scary*:

* You don't even want to see the 'apply for' tab

3. Plan my first official paid vacation holiday: One of these should work:


4. Imagine how cool my new business card is going to look.

5. Find something new to stress out about....let's see....politics....oil....housing in DC...ooo! housing in DC, that's a good one!