New Yorker: Eustace Tilley Contest
So this is a little old, but I still think it's a fun idea so I'm posting anyway. The New Yorker held a contest inviting readers to create their own New Yorker cover featuring their iconic Eustace Tilley in the top hat and monocle. All the entires are posted on flicker for you to scroll through, I really got a kick out of seeing the varying degrees of creativity.
It's fun to see how people reinterpret the icon. You have those (like the one on the left) that took the general image and then did a small twist on the face or monocle.
Then you had the ones that drew an entirely original illustration, but inserted the icon somewhere in the drawing:

The jokes about those orange flags from Central Park...
(wasn't that 3 years ago? Who do they think they are David Letterman?)

The New Yorker picked their own winning entries, and of the five I've pulled because they either made me laugh or I liked the idea, two of them made the finals! I guess that means I have 40% the taste the New Yorker does....not too shabby, really...