Personal Update: Who needs love when you have a piano?
Most Memorable Movie This Week: Once
Never has a piano affected me so much. I think this movie shows that the music---or the creative output---that is produced by love is more important than the emotions themselves. Well, maybe not, but the act of love is something private and personal, and to share that with others you need to translate it to something else---i.e. love songs.
Reminds me of Dan in Real Life, which I saw two weeks ago. There was a quote "Love isn't an emotion, it's an ability" Love can't last without someone's ability to nurture it and transforming it into creative music or poetry or art can help remind you of your feelings and prevent them from slipping away.
And now for something completely different
A tornado came through my area on Friday and I lost power for 8 hours. My car being trapped in the garage, once it went dark I proceeded to amuse myself with candle wax and text messaging. How did people get on in the middle ages.
Freelance Update
Turned in drafts to both my logo freelance projects this week, as planned. Yay for completion....even if its months later. Just goes to show why you should pay someone for their work--it gives you the authority to set deadlines. Will post the finals when they're ready--I want to show them off at the same time.